For some of you reading this, it's obvious that it is important to have good time management skills, especially for those of you who are always busy. Others might not see the importance...yet. For those select lucky college kids who have easy classes, not very many units, or just too much time on their hands, it seems like there is no need for time management. But let me tell you, I have seen both sides of the board, and I can tell you that no matter how much time you have on your hands, you still need to have time management. You never know what unexpected instances can occur, so you should always be one step ahead of the game, unlike me this weekend. I did not manage my time this weekend very well (because I was so busy), and in return I did not get to study for my midterm, I barely finished my rough draft for this class, and this blog post waited until 11:50 to be sent.
Of course, no one is perfect. Nobody can get it right every time, but if there is one thing I think should be taken out of this post, it is that you should always be one step ahead of the game. Know your schedule and what is going to be next. It will save you from a lot of stress, and life will seem to just run a lot smoother.
This post is so true! I'm one of those people who falls victim to procrastination all to easily, so when I think that I have sooo much time do something, I usually end up putting it off until I have NO more time to do it! It really sucks.. I agree that everyone should be aware of time management because sometimes, you just never know. That ten minute nap may turn into a two hour one, or after thinking you could wait a little longer because you only had one easy assignment to do, it turns out you forgot about an online test you needed to take too. Everyone should check, double check, and check again, and always make sure their priorities are in order when it comes to school. We are in college now after all.